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The Prancing Horse Issue 110 – First Quarter 1994


The Prancing Horse #110

Primo Quadrimestre 1994

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The qurterly magazine of the Ferrari Club of America


Editorial: Ferrari News by David Seibert
Ferrari 333SP Update race season review
Three Bodacious Hot Rods Ferrari Display in New York City;F40, 166 Barchetta, F1
Ferrari 512S & M Volume 1 book review, by David Seibert
All the Worlds 1/43 scale Ferraris Volume 1 book review, by David Seibert
Auotmodelli Ferrari 1946-1992 book review, by David Seibert
Interview with Mr Amedeo Felisa by Michitake Isobe
David Seibert: Executive Director FCA Spotlight
Ed Gilbertson: FCA Preservation Chairman FCA Spotlight
Ferrari 750 Monza Scaglietti Spyder and the Restoration of a Very Special Monza #0538M by Jeff Allison, David Smith, Tony Parravano, Lampredi engine
Ferrari 750 Monza Scaglietti Spyder and the Restoration of a Very Special Monza #0538M Tony Parravano: The man with the Golden Screwdriver
1954 375MM Spyders by Alan Boe, 0412AM, 0366AM, 0362AM, 0364AM,
Vintage Ferrari Meeting by Michitake Isobe, 512TR Speciale
348 Challenge: Roebeling Road, Road Atlanta, Press Day season review
Central States Region Michi-Miglia 93 Region Event
Florida Region Annual Fall Sebring Track Event Region Event
Northeast Region Garden State Fall Festival Region Event
Mid Atlantic Region Summer and Fall Events Region Event
Photo Mystery: Ferrari Drivers Who Drove in California by Bob Tronolone
Mugello 1993 by Marcel Massini
Ferrari Club Italia Meeting list of cars, serial numbers, ownerswho participated
Miami Vice to Ferrari Spice by Steve Piantieri
Tour Auto 1993 Review of annual event

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