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The Prancing Horse Issue 148 – Third Quarter 2003


The Prancing Horse #148

Terzo Quadrimestre 2003

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The qurterly magazine of the Ferrari Club of America


Ferraris in the Movies by The Scoop
Aladdins Cave in Tokyo; auto museum in Japan run by Yoshiho Matsuda by The Scoop
Thank you Paul and Congratulations to Club Officers recent FCA election results
Mauro Forghieri: Gauld Mine by Graham Gauld
2003 Ferrari Club of America Annual Meet in Florida by Jeff Allison
2003 FCA Field and Driving Concours Review by Jeff Allison
2003 FCA Field and Driving Concours Results by Jeff Allison
The Coppa Bella Macchina and Coppa GT Awards by Wendy Eberle
166 Spyder Corsa 004 C; 2003 Best in Show Award Winner by Jim Clark
The Track Event; 2003 Annual Meet Review
The Rally: The 2003 Annual Meet rally overview by Debbie Pyle
McCormick & Schmick Car Show Region Event
Unveiling New Supercar, Back Bay Section of Boston Region Event
An Italian Renaissance, South Central Region Region Event
First Annual Ferrari and Race Car Parade; Eastand Central Canada Region Event
Ferraris on Oak Street Region Event
19th Reading Concours Region Event
Electrical Problems, Solutions, Notes: TechNotes by Bill Badurksi
Thirty-Three Ferraris Contest the Mille Miglia by Alan Boe
2003 Villa d’Este Concours dElegance by Marcel Massini
Ferraris Racing Around the World by Jeff Allison
Ferrari Victories at Sebring by Jeff Allison
860 Monza 0604M
250 Testa Rossa 0704 TR
250 TR/59 0766 TR
250 TR/61 0792 TR
250 P 0810
250 P 0812
512 S 1026
312 P(B) 0882
F333 SP 003
F333 SP 019

Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso 0,3 kg