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The Prancing Horse Issue 55 – Fall 1978


The Prancing Horse #55

Autunno 1978

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The qurterly magazine of the Ferrari Club of America


Ferrari Wins at the Glen! And Long Beach! And Montreal! racing report 1978
The First Ferrari V-6 by Michael T Lynch
Ferraris at the Watkins Glen Meet, July 1978 pictorial by Katy franceschini
TechNote: Optical Breakerless Distributor Modification of Ferrari V-12 Engines no author attributed
The Daytona: Will Ferraris Last Front Engined Masterpiece Ever Be beaten? by John Miles, Autocar
Central States Region Garage Tour 1978 by Roger Meiners
Florida Region Daytona Spring 1978 by Jim Crosby
The Four Liter Prototypes 1962-1963 by Michael T Lynch

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